[코스피상장) 중견제약사 MD(한국의사) 희귀질환 전담 Medical Advisior 구인
[의학실장] 한국 의사 면허 소유자.
[필수 사항] 한국 의사 면허 소유자, 내과/가정의학과/종양내과 등 관련 전공의 우대. 희귀질환 취급 경험 필수
희귀질환 전담 Medical Advisior
희귀질환 전담 소규모 부서 팀장로 신규 포지션
MD required with at least 8 years of experience in Medical Affairs or Clinical Development in the pharmaceutical industry desired.
Experience in a Global Medical Affairs role is required.
• Experience in developing and implementing a global medical strategy for commercialized and pre-launch products with the aim of advancing science for the improvement of patient’s well-being
[필수 사항] 한국 의사 면허 소유자, 내과/가정의학과/종양내과 등 관련 전공의 우대. 희귀질환 취급 경험 필수
희귀질환 전담 Medical Advisior
희귀질환 전담 소규모 부서 팀장로 신규 포지션
MD required with at least 8 years of experience in Medical Affairs or Clinical Development in the pharmaceutical industry desired.
Experience in a Global Medical Affairs role is required.
• Experience in developing and implementing a global medical strategy for commercialized and pre-launch products with the aim of advancing science for the improvement of patient’s well-being