글로벌 대기업 화장품 마케팅 대리과장급


Primary Responsibilities:

Develop the key business strategies and the Long Range Business Plan to achieve sustainable growth of Artistry skincare category

• Develop and support brand strategies and portfolio management of Artistry Skincare.

• Develop valuable solution program to provide a relevant and integrated approach for engaging ABOs, prospects and customers into the Beauty business

• Implement new value proposition in line with global brand claims

• Develop local relevant new products to promote sales and strengthen brand experience

• Identify new customer acquisition opportunities based on full understanding of Beauty Category’s role within Amway portfolio

• Strengthen Artistry brand equity to ensures all ABO and consumer touch points are aligned with Sales & Marketing objectives

- Creative including print and video

- Training contents

- Social Media and digital channels

- Physical Presence & brand experience

- Promotion / Sampling

- Selling / retailing journey

• Extensive collaboration with cross-functional areas including Supply Chain, R&D, Sales & Traininig, Regulation, Customer Service, Procurement, Digital & IT, PR & Social communication, etc.


-4년제 대졸이상

-국내외 4년 이상 /신제품 개발경력자 우대

-영어중급이상 / MS Office 사용 능통자


서울 강남 
진행 서치펌|  에이치알니즈   
담당컨설턴트|  이재욱이사
연 락 처|  lyh5790@empal.com