난치성뇌질환 치료제/혁신신약 개발 바이오벤처사 Discovery센터장 모집
(Discovery 센터장)
* 직무 : 시험법 개발 및 신약발굴
* 직무내용
• 신약연구 개발 업무 전반
- independently establish and optimize in vitro biochemical and cellular assays under minimal supervision
- Design, develop, execute, and troubleshoot assays for target validation, lead candidate selection and characterization and mechanism of action studies to support therapeutic pipeline programs
• 합성, 약리, PK, 독성관련 전반 데이터 해석 및 리뷰
- work within team to study PK and PD relationship and therapeutic efficacy in relevant disease models
• 기타
- Proactively solve problems and bottleneck to move research projects forward
- Effectively present and communicate research findings to internal teams and external scientific community and partners
- 공동연구 파트너사 네트워킹 및 협의 진행
* 지원자격
1. 자격 요건
1) 경력: 경력 (팀장급 or 임원급)
2) 학력: 박사 이상
3) 전공: biology, pharmacology, biochemistry
2. 우대 사항
- Postdoctoral research experience in RNA biology and nucleic acid-based medicines
- Experience delivering in vivo pharmacology studies in mouse tumor models, including dose-finding tolerability studies, PK/PD and efficacy studies.
- Strong interpersonal and collaboration skills together with evidence of delivery in a team-oriented, collaborative environment.
- 제약회사, 바이오 벤처 근무 유경험자