상장중견바이오사 Quality Center of Excellence Manager



Six Sigma Blackbelt

Perform review and diagnostic of current processes in Quality Operations (QA and QC)

Determine processes improvement

Assess the work load of Quality staff

Determine ways to optimise efficiency of Quality Staff

Drive efficiency program implementation

Track efficiency improvement

Work with QO Head of plants 2 and 3 to identify continuous improvement activities

Track Continuous improvement activities

경력: 10 to 15 years if black belt projects

필수사항: Black Belt Acquirer

우대사항: Preferred to have experience in GMP companies efficiency program

요청사항: 국문/영문이력서 각 1부
진행 서치펌|  나우팜컨설팅   
담당컨설턴트|  김인춘전무
연 락 처|  nawchoi@naver.com